Wednesday, November 24, 2010


One makes choices all the time...Trivial ones (which shirt to wear) to slightly more important ones (which flight to take) on a regular basis...Some of these are periodic (juice or milk in breakfast), while some others would not be (gift for friend's marriage). Some might not even be recurring in nature (Science or Arts in 12th?)

Two things: Triviality (and consequentially, the importance) of these choices would be defined in terms of the degree of effect the same would have on one's remainder portion of the life. One would also argue that with age, experience accumulates, and hence one is expected to make more rational, better choices as one grows old

Ironically, what it leaves us with is that one is forced to make several non-trivial choices early on in his/her life without the benefit of accumulated experience, which would continue having a profound impact on his remaining life. Also, when one actually becomes wiser through the wealth of worldly experiences, he would have not many important choices left to make...

Say hello to Ayn Rand if you wish to learn from experiences of others to make of up for lack of your own...

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